Getting the Blog Back Together Again

<a href="" target="_blank">Rock1997 & Wikimedia Commons</a>

Once upon a time, in a town not so far away, I started my first personal website. It took a couple forms for over six years but eventually settled into a personal blog where I rattled on about whatever project I was working on or solutions to programming challenges I was facing. Unfortunately, I allowed the domain name to lapse out of registration. It was promptly snapped up by domain squatters and a robots.txt file created to tell Google and other archival engines to no longer cache the domain. Many posts and samples of work were lost as a result.

I am finally getting to a point with my life where I'm ready for a relaunch, this time with a new domain and updated software. Therefore, welcome to! My initial thoughts on this relaunch is that the contents will be very similar to what I was previously doing. Writing about my adventures in software engineering and web development with perhaps the occasional personal notes thrown in.

What my initial postings to this site will include is still unknown. I'm writing this posting with the site being run on Linux in a virtual machine. There were a few minor issues getting Ubuntu up and running within Oracle VirtualBox just the way I wanted it. One posting may include the various software, packages and configurations that were needed to get to a state I was satisfied with.

I'm also looking to change jobs in the very near future. There will probably be postings about that effort. Especially depending on how much fun or torture working with recruiters becomes this time around. A friend also suggested that I may be in a good position to work for myself by finding some clients to do freelance, contract work for. Either way having a website up with my full resume and a portfolio should be very helpful.

With that, welcome to my website.