Job Hunting While Socially Phobic

via <a href="" target="_blank">Capture Queen/Flickr</a>

For the last few months I have been making a half-assed attempt at finding a web development job. I say half-assed because I look at some job board each day to see what is new and submit applications or resumes to those I think I qualify for. There is be a lot more I could be doing to improve my job search efforts and increase the likelihood of landing a job I want. These other activities include working on independent projects to stay current and attending events and social groups in an effort to do some networking. The first one I’m trying to do more of. The second idea is scary due to a personal trait that a therapist once pointed out to me: I’m socially phobic.

Having said that I feel that I need to be very careful how I present this issue. I don’t want to use my asocial character trait as an excuse for not getting things done. However, it is a factor that does hamper some of my activities. I get along and work very well with computers. They have been an important factor in my life since the age of 9. I know understand computers and I know how they operate.

People are more complicated as there is no set, defined behavior. Everyone has their own personality, their own quirks, and interact differently from each other. It makes it more difficult for me to know how to respond to situation and interact with others. This doesn’t mean that I do not get along with people. I am able to work well with other people and communicate about the project(s) and task(s) at hand. When it comes to more social situations and my personal life, that is where I start to clam up and people begin to perceive me as a little odd. But I’m a computer geek, all computer geeks are a little odd …. right?

As to the issues when I’m looking for a new job, the act of job hunting obviously requires interacting with many people (recruiters, hiring managers, peers to network with). I like direct communication and interaction with others. The act of exchanging pleasantries can be awkward and potentially off-putting for me at times. What others may see as friendly and trying to establish a common basis for communication, I can sometimes perceive as wasting time not getting to the point. So there are times where my personality doesn’t come off well to others or even causes me to run away from a situation (sometime figuratively, sometimes literally).

Having said all this, what is there to do about it? I’m slowly working on my issues: getting out from in front of the computer and practicing socializing with other people, forcing myself to “endure the pleasantries” in hopes they will become “normal”, and even some medication for my resulting anxiety. If you are a recruiter or hiring manager reading this, perhaps this will offer a little insight into my personality and why I may or may not respond in certain ways. I do have to remind myself that this is really only a minor issue. I can make myself believe that it is a really huge issue and will doom me for life, but that’s greatly exaggerating the situation. I sometimes have to back down a little bit and take it easy on myself if my anxiety gets starts getting a little wild. But, in the end, my problems are temporary ones. If I remember to breath and relax this too shall pass. At least, that’s what I keep trying to tell myself.

Oh and all this is before I get into bouts of feeling inadequate and unqualified for the jobs I see available. But that’s an issue for another day.

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