Job Title Generator

<a href="" target="_blank">Paul Stainthorp via Flickr</a>

Want a new job title? Try:

Manager of Projects

A friend recently mentioned having met someone with an unusual job title. It was something along the lines of “Associate Director for Special Projects”. It sent us on a discussion of how people come up with these titles and I wondered if there exists a random job title generator app. Turns out while there are a slew of websites that have job title generators, I was only able to find a single app.

I had a recruiter ask me what projects I have been working on recently. At the moment it’s writing, maintaining and updating the design on a couple of blogs and helping another friend with a small web layout he is working on. So, not a whole lot, especially in terms of demonstrable items to show that I still have at last half a clue about development. I had always wanted to learn about app programming, but have lacked that great idea to get started on one. Why not a job title generator?

No, I haven’t created the app yet. However, I did throw together a quick PHP script to generate job titles. What’s the result? Well, you can see the result at the top of this blog posting. In hindsight, this isn’t a great implementation, but it'll do for less than 30 minutes of work. I would have been better off writing it in JavaScript so that newly generated job titles are created on the fly as opposed to refreshing the page. I could have keep my PHP version and then used an AJAX call to change the job title. However, I chose this way as a quick and dirty implementation that I could potentially show off my coding style. With that in mind, I’ve posted it on my GitHub account.

For now, depending on how much free time I am able to give myself, I can try to move forward with learning Android App development with this as a toy

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