
Job Hunting While Socially Phobic

via <a href="" target="_blank">Capture Queen/Flickr</a>

For the last few months I have been making a half-assed attempt at finding a web development job. I say half-assed because I look at some job board each day to see what is new and submit applications or resumes to those I think I qualify for. There is be a lot more I could be doing to improve my job search efforts and increase the likelihood of landing a job I want. These other activities include working on independent projects to stay current and attending events and social groups in an effort to do some networking. The first one I’m trying to do more of.

Programming Today

From <a href="" target="_blank">PixBay user Unsplash</a>

A friend recently asked me my opinions on where he should focus on in terms of getting into the tech industry. He’s wanting to self-teach while he prepares to go to school to earn his paper degree. I wrote up my thoughts on what the current market demands are and what he can focus on. I figured, it served as a good summary to post here.

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