Always-On Social Interconnectedness

Daniel Tenerife via <a href="" target="_blank">Wikimedia Commons</a>

As odd as it may be to some people, I am not a user of Facebook. My long standing joke is that you need friends to have an account on Facebook and I had neither. From a computer geek point of view, the rise of Facebook and it’s humble beginnings in a college dorm room is something I admire. It’s dominance in society, however, is a little bit scary. Especially for someone who enjoys privacy and not having the whole world know the intimate details of my life.

General Update

I haven’t posted very much to this site since I launched it. I've been making updates and refinements to the resume and portfolio pages, but haven’t made any blog posts. (With the exception of the Pather Problem which hadn't been officially posted at the time I began writing this post.) I figured I should post a general update about what is going on with me.

Pather Problem

<a href="" target="_blank">Pixbay: kitti851</a>

Several weeks ago I was asked to complete a programming challenge for a potential job. The job was for a web development company where I would be doing a combination of back-end PHP development and front-end GUI work with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. So it was a bit of a surprise that the programming challenge had nothing to do with web development. Rather it was an algorithm problem and one that I didn't feel was all that challenging. Of course, after submitting the work, I was told they were going to look at other people for the position. So there’s the possibility that I missed some corner case in my solution. Anyhow, I figured I shouldn't let that hour or two of thinking and programming go to waste.

Getting the Blog Back Together Again

<a href="" target="_blank">Rock1997 & Wikimedia Commons</a>

Once upon a time, in a town not so far away, I started my first personal website. It took a couple forms for over six years but eventually settled into a personal blog where I rattled on about whatever project I was working on or solutions to programming challenges I was facing. Unfortunately, I allowed the domain name to lapse out of registration. It was promptly snapped up by domain squatters and a robots.txt file created to tell Google and other archival engines to no longer cache the domain. Many posts and samples of work were lost as a result.


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